Due to inclement weather, our Clinics will close in the morning and re-open at 1:00 PM.

Gun Violence and How to Contact Your Government Officials

Northeast OB/GYN Associates is deeply saddened by the continued rise of firearm violence in our nation, one of the most recent events occurring so close to home, the horrific school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. To be a catalyst for change and demand improvements in laws/processes, we are taking a stand against firearm violence and urge you to join our mission. We firmly believe this is a public health issue. The President of the American Medical Association released a statement which included several alarming statistics:

“Each year more than 45,000 Americans die from firearm violence, and recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that firearm deaths are increasing, and disparities are widening, with young people, males, and Black people experiencing the highest firearm homicide rates. More and more it is clear no place is safe—malls, schools, movie theaters, places of worship, and grocery stores have all been targeted. Firearm injuries and deaths are preventable. No more Americans should die of firearm violence.”

Northeast OB/GYN Associates is asking our House Representatives and Senators to be leaders in developing a plan to reduce firearm tragedies. Our hope is to initiate change ensuring firearms have a less likely chance of ending up in the wrong person’s hands. We propose the following:

(1) Investing time into data collection, bad data leads to bad policy
(2) Safe storage of firearms
(3) See something, say something (*78% of mass shooters leak their plans)
(4) Funding to allow researchers and public health agencies to find effective solutions to reduce firearms incidents

We have contacted our House Representatives and Senators to express our desire for change. We encourage everyone to do the same and take a stand against gun violence. To find your House Representative click here and to find your Senator click here.


This entry was posted on June 13, 2022.

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