New Patient Information
We are honored you have chosen Northeast OB/GYN Associates for your Obstetrics and Gynecology care! With over 35 years’ experience in the San Antonio area, we are dedicated to providing you the best in women’s healthcare close to home. We look forward to providing an outstanding patient experience for you from the moment you make your appointment through the conclusion of your visit. Please know we value you and look forward to seeing you very soon. This page is dedicated to ensuring you have everything you need to make your visit exceptional. Thank you for trusting Northeast OB/GYN for your healthcare needs.
We want you to have the best patient experience with Northeast OB/GYN. We have compiled a list of “Frequently Asked Questions” to help answer any questions you may have. We encourage you to visit our FAQ page to learn more about Northeast OB/GYN and our practice.
Instructions once you have scheduled your appointment:
(1) Check your email for a message with the subject line:
Welcome to Your Northeast Obgyn Associates Pllc Patient Portal
*This portion MUST BE COMPLETED on a desktop/laptop computer browser, NO MOBILE DEVICES*
(2) Activate your Patient Portal. Your username is your email address.
(3) Complete the new patient forms, this MUST be completed prior to your appointment.
(4) Text 210-761-4062 a copy of your drivers license and your insurance card (front and back). This will allow us to check your insurance eligibility prior to your appointment.
(4) Once you have activated your Patient Portal on a desktop/laptop browser, you may download APPatient on your mobile device. This will give you access to your patient portal on your mobile device.
(5) Online Check-In will be available 24 hours prior to your appointment. You will receive a notification via text message and email.
If you have ANY TROUBLE AT ALL, please text us 210-761-4062 so we can help you!